Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today on the podcast, I’m excited to have an interview with Amy Myrdal Miller. Amy is an award-winning dietitian, culinary nutrition expert, and public speaker. Amy is the president of Farmer’s Daughter Consulting and was the collaborator on the 4th edition of Cooking a la Heart with Linda Hachfeld. Cooking a la Heart was first published in the early 1990s by Apple a Day Press and has sold well over 100,000 copies during its publication, from a comb-bound book to this new version with 500 easy and delicious recipes to help make every meal heart-healthy. Today on the podcast, Amy and I discuss her opportunity to co-author this book, her joys and frustrations of writing a cookbook, her belief in honoring food cultures, and her advice to cookbook writers.

Listen to Episode 298 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

Cookbook Love Podcast Interview with Professional Copyeditor Suzanne Faas

Cooking a la Heart 4th Edition

The Book of Bread by Judith and Evan Jones

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you have an idea for a cookbook concept? 

Would you like to know more about writing cookbooks? 

Do you collect cookbooks and want to be interviewed on the show? 

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