Cookbook and Food Writing Links Vol. 10

Cookbook and Food Writing Links Vol. 10

I’ve always loved Nora Ephron. Her book, I Feel Bad About My Neck, is too relate-able. I also love lists so was drawn to this list, written by Nora, who sadly died in 2006, but her list here is a poignant reminder of life, and what’s to be missed (or not missed) when we no longer inhabit our physical bodies.

It’s often recommended, to be a good writer we need to be a reader. This article looks at the relationship between reading and writing.

An argument for cookbooks as a source of recipes. Love it.

Points to the concept that a kitchen appliance provides the basis for a new cookbook. Six (6!) cookbooks are being written about the Instant Pot.

This link is to my favorite graphic about publishing, created and updated every year by Jane Friedman. This graphic is always relevant and helpful for anyone dipping their toes into the world of book publishing.

If you want an agent to represent you and shop around a proposal, here are some tips.

A book cover speaks volumes to your book buyer. Learn some mistakes made on book covers.

A fascinating story about self-publishing revenue.

Cookbook author, editor, and Culinary Dietitian Maggie Green coaches aspiring cookbook authors during the pre-publication phase of writing a cookbook. If you want to write a cookbook, and wonder if you’re ready, download her 11-point checklist Am I Ready to Write a Cookbook?  Applications are now open for the next Hungry For A Cookbook Mastermind Group.

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