Down Time?

Down Time?

The weather here in Kentucky has been sort of warmer over the past few days. This morning we even had some fog. When I returned from taking my son to high school I noticed there were 3 newspapers laying on our front walk. Three, count ’em, three papers. I walked over, picked them up, and brought them in the house. I wondered why we subscribed if we’re not taking the time to read them, much less bring them in the house, but know that it’s important to get the daily paper. Why? We like to work the Jumble, read the Dinette Set cartoon, review the obituaries, and catch up on the local news. It keeps me in touch with what’s going on outside my house.

After all 3 newspapers were safely inside, I  took off my coat, and did what I do every morning: start a load of laundry, clean up the kitchen, and make myself a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of green tea. After I eat my breakfast my work day begins. Today I start like every other day with 3 tasks before me. One was updating my blog, so here I am. The other two revolve around plans for my upcoming cookbook coaching program called Cookbook Camp. The other doing some work for one of my clients. No matter how hard I try, I keep thinking about the next few weeks and how I look forward to spending time with my family over the upcoming Christmas holiday. The Best Male Cook is busy at work too, but if all goes well he’ll be take vacation time the week after Christmas. The kids trickle out of school for their vacations starting next week. I also look forward to seeing my sisters and brother over the Christmas holiday, and their growing children. We gather for a meal and white-elephant gift exchange the day after Christmas and it’s always full of laughs and wonder about what’s in the box I’m about to open.

Down time is  good for me. I get to enjoy my work days without huge looming deadlines. Surprisingly, I still cook a lot, but we’re trying some new foods. The YoungAprons want to learn how to make, cream puffs and have a chocolate fondue party. I’m going to make some different Christmas cookies this year, although I always make a batch of Oven-Baked Chex Mix which is still the most popular recipe and most-visited post on this blog.


  1. Wow! Love the new design! I’ve been working on my upcoming blog and know how hard it is to get the design “just right.” Looking forward to your book release on the second best day of the year, Kentucky Derby Day! Best Wishes!

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