I’m taking you again to to www.wordle.net  for a pretty tasty visual menu of foods we’ve eaten since I began this blog. Rice, beans, chicken, soup, salad, bread and the word green stand out. That means those foods were on the menus several times, and foods such as cherry, baguette, and alfredo appeared on our menus less. Bummer on the alfredo.

If you haven’t given wordle a spin for yourself, take a document and copy and paste the text into the wordle box to create your own word cloud.  Better yet, create a wordle valentine. You might (or might not) be surprised by the words that jump out at you. By the way, you’ll need Java to use wordle and to view my menu. If Java creates too much frustration, or causes you to spend large amounts of time monkeying with your firewall instead of doing more important stuff ,  don’t worry about it.  It’s pretty neat but not worth too much frustration.