1. I have a passion for Cheez-its. There, I’ve said it. Not only are they salty, cheesy, and crunchy but they contain a whopping dose of  trans-fats (ie; shortening). I buy a box about once every six months and we proceed to eat the entire box in a short period of time. Last time we tried the off-brand. Don’t do it. And don’t over do it on the Cheez-its. They really are junk food and in large quantities not good for the old waistline, or complexion, or blood pressure, or heart. Need I say more.

2. It’s really hot here in my part of the world today. I’ve noticed over the past few months how my produce purchases have turned springlike: asparagus, strawberries, greens, arugula. I’ve said goodbye to clementines and grapefruit at least until next winter. We’re also enjoying more lemonade, ice cream cones, and other warm-weather treats.

3. Twice in the past two weeks, a neighbor or friend has stopped by the house with an armload of fresh greens for me to cook. It’s awful when people know you know how to cook and when they share the love of garden-fresh anything. First, Jan from down the street, who belongs to a local C.S.A. program, stopped by with a variety of salad greens and another bag full of green garlic, kale, broccoli de rabe, and beet greens. Yesterday, Gail knocked on the back door with a load of fresh arugula from the garden at the Montessori preschool where she teaches and where my kids spent 8 blissful years. I can’t tell you how happy I was to have the greens – all of ’em. And to have friends who like to share greens. And to have friends who share their love for greens with me. Thanks Jan and Gail. Not sure how garden-fresh greens and Cheez-its fit together in the same kitchen or the same blog post, but that’s what you’ll find here. Honest cooking and an honest kitchen.

4. I have some news to share and I’m just about to bust at the seams. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement hopefully within the next month or so. Yes, it’s food related, and proverbial bun-in-the-oven so to speak. I said proverbial, not actual.

5. We lit the grill several times over the Memorial Day weekend – hamburgers, chicken, pork tenderloin – all good and I can’t think of a much better place to be over a hot holiday weekend. Hanging out on the patio (although Monday we had rain) tending the smoke box. We also followed up Mint Juleps with our summertime favorite way to use fresh mint – Mojitos. I’ll share a recipe soon. They’re good, fizzy, refreshing, and full of Kentucky’s favorite herb – MINT.