Happy Anniversary to this blog:  Wow, what an interesting year. I’ve learned, learned, and learned some more about keeping up with a blog and writing posts that keep you coming back. Thank you, thank you for visiting .

My goal is to help us all stay healthy through our kitchens and cooking, all while trying to eat as much fresh food as possible. (With a FEW Cheeze-its and store-bought cookies thrown in to keep things real.)

In celebration I’m having my first giveaway. The winner will receive one copy of the 75th anniversary edition of the Joy of Cooking, one copy of The Ultrametabolism Cookbook, and one 2010 Joy of Cooking page-a-day calendar

To enter, click the Contact button at the top of the page and send me your e-mail address and one (that’s right one) suggestion for what you’d like to see on this blog, a tip Tuesday topic, or anything else you think I might need to hear. Deadline for entry is 12:00 a.m. EST Tuesday, September 8th.  Thanks again for visiting and good luck with the giveaway.