1. I’m struggling with my five thoughts for today. Have you ever felt that way when you sit down to write? The muse just isn’t there. More often than you may realize, this is how writing feels to both me and my cookbook coaching clients. But, I always come back with “regardless of a lack of inspiration, the act of sitting down at a regular time to write is the most important thing.” Set your timer if you have too, but always show up and write. Words will come. They may not be publishable, and they may not be exciting, but at least you’re writing. And, a first draft is better than no draft at all.
2. The weather has turned cooler in my town and it’s been one of those weeks where later in the day it’s warmer outdoors than it is in my house. Sipping green tea while I work is a sure sign that the weather is cool, as is my packing in the sandals, putting on socks, and wearing a jacket when I walk in the morning.
3. Every year I send out a calendar card for my business. It’s a flat card the next calendar year at a glance on the front side of the card. If you’re looking for nice calendar cards to send to your customers or clients, check out Tiny Prints. You can order the cards online and they’ll be shipped in about one week. My cards for 2014 have arrived and are ready for me to address and mail in December. I like to send a hand-written note to my clients at least once a year to thank them for their business over the past year and to wish them great things for the next year.
4. I am fortunate to work with a client who is creating a digital product. This project has been a huge undertaking from code-creation to design. I’ve learned a great deal from this project and can’t wait to share the news.
5. The 30-day blog challenge is 30% finished. I’ve done 10/30 days. On Wednesday I didn’t post until later than my usual time, but I did post. Same for today. I find that the easiest way for me to write blog posts day-after-day is to generate mock-ups and ideas for blog posts in a Word doc. Then I fill in my ideas as the days roll around. I like to write the entire blog post in Word, spell-check, erase any formatting, and then paste post into my blog dashboard. By maintaining an ongoing Word doc I have all my blog ideas and posts in one document and I can look back to previous posts and ahead to ideas I’ve jotted down.
Have a great weekend everyone. Get out and do something fun. Be sure to eat some apples too. They’re delicious this year!