When I travel I like to ask my brain how I can offer value in my business for my clients. With the change of scenery it comes up with lots of ideas.
Have you ever tried to ask your brain a specific question? My business coach taught me to direct my brain. She says an undirected brain is like an unsupervised toddler. It can get into trouble.
Brains that are unattended like to worry or ruminate on made up stories about what we think others are thinking.
Direct your brain: How can I best use my time today? What is the one thing I can do to offer more value for my clients? How can I help my audience get results ahead of time? What is a new way to offer information of value to my audience? Try it. Your brain is amazing. Put it to work for you, not against you.
Spring is one of the prime seasons for publishing cookbooks!
Here are some links to Spring 2018 Cookbook Reviews:
Spring 2018 Cookbook Preview: The 37 New Cookbooks to Buy This Spring
Every Spring 2018 Cookbook That Matters
The 18 Spring Cookbooks We’re Most Excited About
17 New Spring Cookbooks We Can’t Wait to Stain
Cookbook author, editor, and Culinary Dietitian Maggie Green, RDN, LD coaches first-time cookbook authors during the pre-publication phase of writing a cookbook.
Would you like to write a cookbook, but feel alone in the pre-publication phase of writing?
Are you stuck thinking about your cookbook idea or has you project fizzled?
Do you feel overwhelmed with publishing options and the recipes, photography, and publishing process?
I’ve been there. I know first-hand that there’s not a lot of support for first-time cookbook authors who don’t have an agent or a publisher yet. That’s why I started my work as a cookbook writing coach.
Here are a few resources for you as you venture into the world of cookbook writing:
An 11-point checklist that helps you answer the question, “Am I Ready to Write a Cookbook?”