It’s the end of the 2nd quarter of the year, and I’m excited about my second 12 weeks of 2018. In early April, I set intentions about how I wanted Q2 to unfold. Here’s what has happened with some advice and tips for you and your business:

Look at how your potential customers are driven to your website. Where are they coming from? A lot of my traffic comes from Google searches, but in Q2 I worked to look at other ways to create free traffic such as being a guest on podcasts. Podcast content is evergreen. When you’re a guest, the episode is listened to over and over. I did see results from this with referrals of new clients from the podcasts where I was a guest.

This is a big one, and something you may want to consider, but, what about starting your own podcast? As of this blog post, I have purchased equipment, received training, hired a producer, scheduled interviews, created artwork, and named my podcast. I plan to record several episodes before the launch. And, if all goes well, I plan to launch in the 3rd quarter. I feel sort of scared about this – adding a piece of marketing that requires constant care and attention and updating, but I figure if I can write books, create recipe content, keep up with a weekly blog, etc., then I can add a podcast to the mix. I also at the same time feel excited to connect with the people who I will interview. I’m doing a podcast that I’d love to listen to, so for now, we’ll leave it at that, and hope that during our Q3 update, I have more specific news to share about how it’s going.

In March I created a high-end offer as a cookbook manuscript manager. The offer worked and I made sales around this offer. The service isn’t for everyone, but, it resonated with a few people on my list. That’s the spirit of a high-end offer. It needed to be of value, solve a problem, and help my customers get closer to their goal of writing a cookbook.

I worked with my VA to create a streamlined and smooth system for onboarding private coaching clients. This makes the delivery of material for the coaching program easier and allows for very quick delivery of the materials once someone signs a coaching contract. Contracts are sent electronically for signature as well, which streamlines the process.

This quarter, with a focus on customer service, I decided to add my VA to the customer-service-side of email delivery and answering. I sell digital products, so having my VA monitor the customer service email box, responses are timely and prompt. This feels good and I like knowing that our customers are answered promptly and get their needs met and questions answered.

In June I hosted a live Q&A call for my entire email list. A time to chat with me about any questions they had related to cookbook writing, online business, marketing, or productivity. The call was well-received and provided me with insight into the questions that those on my email list had. I answered a lot of questions about recipe writing, food photography, and features of cookbooks.

Projects that are multi-step require consistent action and commitment over time. My two cookbooks are at the printer. In Q2 we reviewed final edits, created the index, decided on the book cover, and promoted Advance Reader Copies at BookExpo in NYC at the end of May. Never underestimate the power of time and incremental baby steps to reach big goals. I’ve written four cookbooks this way, all while working on other projects for other clients.

Next quarter is all about launching: 2 newcookbooks, my next Hungry For A Cookbook Mastermind Group, and Cookbook Love Podcast. Can’t wait to see how it all goes!

Cookbook author, editor, and Culinary Dietitian Maggie Green, RDN, LD coaches first-time cookbook authors during the pre-publication phase of writing a cookbook. 

Would you like to write a cookbook, but feel alone in the pre-publication phase of writing?

Are you stuck thinking about your cookbook idea or has you project fizzled?

Do you feel overwhelmed with publishing options and the recipes, photography, and publishing process?

I’ve been there. I know first-hand that there’s not a lot of support for first-time cookbook authors who don’t have an agent or a publisher yet.  That’s why I started my work as a cookbook writing coach.

Here are a few resources for you as you venture into the world of cookbook writing: 

An 11-point checklist that helps you answer the question, “Am I Ready to Write a Cookbook?”

Cookbook Writing Workbook

What Is A Cookbook Coach? 

10 Reasons to Hire A Cookbook Coach