Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today on the podcast, I want to talk more about practice. But before we get started, I’m recording this podcast episode on the day it’s released. Shout out to my production partner Scott for working with my schedule and my twist of events as I wrapped up my five-day live training called Live Like a Writer last week. Is there anything in your life that you currently practice on a daily or at least weekly basis that allows your life to grow and expand? Or is there something that you want to start practicing that will allow your life to grow and expand in a more creative and alive way? Writing practice has the potential to do the same – because when we start to practice writing, our life reflects that we’re engaged in writing. We see ourselves as writers. So today, I want to share with you four different writing practices that you can engage in every day to start to either start to see yourself as a writer or to feel more expressive and creative in your life, even if writing a book or novel isn’t your goal as well as writing supplies I love in my writing life.

Listen to Episode 230 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

Writing Resources including books, notebooks, and pens

Do you want to learn how to get paid to write a cookbook

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you have an idea for a cookbook concept? Would you like to know more about writing cookbooks? Do you collect cookbooks and want to be interviewed on the show? Comment below and share your story or visit me on Instagram which is currently my favorite way to connect