Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. I’m excited to be here today to geek out a little bit about a law of physics I’ve been thinking a lot about, and that’s the law of entropy. So what in the world does entropy have to do with cookbooks and cookbook writing? Today on the podcast I define entropy and give some examples of how entropy works in our bodies as writers, our kitchens, our writing projects, and our writing spaces. In response to entropy, I give a suggestion on how to respond to entropy and make some clear decisions about where we can place our energy to stabilize the effects of energy in our kitchens, writing, and writing spaces.

Listen to Episode 233 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

How to Get Paid to Write a Cookbook free training

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you have an idea for a cookbook concept? Would you like to know more about writing cookbooks? Do you collect cookbooks and want to be interviewed on the show? Comment below and share your story or visit me on Instagram which is currently my favorite way to connect