Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. But before we get started, I want to talk for a minute for those of you who have recipes that you have collected or written that you want to publish in a book. Did you know that with a few simple tools, you can easily format and publish your book in about 3 months? This is exactly what I teach in my course Cookbooks on KDP. I help food bloggers and recipe collectors learn how to format and publish their recipes in a book using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. So if you have recipes ready to publish and want to publish them in a book before Christmas, we will start our next cohort in September. Get on the waitlist, and I will email you more information.

Today, on the podcast, I have an interview with Ben Tish. Ben Tish is the Chef Director of Cubitt House, a hospitality group in London, England where he oversees the food offerings across a number of London’s best pubs and eateries. With an undying love of Mediterranean food and history, Ben is passionate about recreating the flavors and dishes of his travels to the Mediterranean in his own home, cookbooks,  and restaurants. He is the author of five cookbooks, and today we’re here to talk about his newest book Mediterra: Recipes from the islands and shores of the Mediterranean. Enjoy this episode as Ben and I take a deep dive into the Mediterranean basin, which includes 18 distinctive countries and a discussion of some ingredients and cooking techniques you might not expect in Mediterranean cooking. Ben shares his philosophy for recipe development and ingredient procurement for his cookbooks, his writing routine when he’s actively working on a cookbook project, as well as a discussion of Ben’s unique and favorite recipes from each section of the book based on the Northern, Eastern, and Southern Shores, and Islands in the Mediterranean.

 Listen to Episode 309 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

Do you have Recipes Ready to Publish? Join waitlist for Cookbooks on KDP

Chef Ben Tish

Mediterra: Recipes from the Islands and Shores of the Mediterranean

Crazy Water and Pickled Lemon by Diana Henry

Moro The Cookbook Samuel and Samantha Clark

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you have an idea for a cookbook concept? 

Would you like to know more about writing cookbooks? 

Do you collect cookbooks and want to be interviewed on the show? 

Comment below and share your story