Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today, I have an interview with John Kanell. John is a former middle school math and science teacher with a knack for breaking down complicated problems. In 2015 he turned his attention to the kitchen and began creating content that empowers and inspires home cooks with his founding of Preppy Kitchen. Preppy Kitchen is now a nationally known cooking and baking destination where John used his decades of homegrown experience to provide knowledge and resources to create memorable recipes. For our interview today, John and I talk about his new book Preppy Kitchen Super Easy, which features his way of making simple everyday dishes that feel special. In the book, John reveals many riffs, swaps, variations, and make-ahead tips, all designed for busy families who want to have meals with a touch of elegance.

 Listen to Episode 310 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

Preppy Kitchen Website

Preppy Kitchen Super Easy

Cooking with Bon Appetit Set

Join the waitlist for Cookbooks on KDP

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