Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today, I have an interview with cookbook author and food writer Yasmin Fahr. Yasmin is a recipe contributor to New York Times Cooking, Food 52, and the Kitchn and is the author of three cookbooks. Her newest book, Cook Simply, Live Fully, is an ode to flexible, flavorful recipes for any mood. During our episode, Yasmin shares her philosophy and recipes for cooking and feeding ourselves well through real life’s inevitable ups and downs as well as some unique features of the book. 

But before we get started, I wanted to let you know that our next cohort of Cookbooks on KDP will start in early September. Cookbooks on KDP is a 12-week group coaching program for any recipe writer, developer, or collector who wants to publish their recipes and stories in a book using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. In Cookbooks on KDP, I walk you step-by-step through the process of formatting and uploading your book so that you have a finished book before Christmas. Next week’s episode will feature published authors from the program so that you can hear all about their success in the program and the books they published. What I think is impressive about this group is how different their goals for writing their cookbook were, yet how the Amazon solution met their goals beautifully. So stay tuned for next week’s episode, and if you want to get on the waitlist to be sure you receive notice with the doors officially open, head on over to cookbookwritersacademy.com/kdp

 Listen to Episode 312 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

Join the waitlist for Cookbooks on KDP

Yasmin Fahr

Cook Simply, Live Fully

Science in Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well

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Let’s Keep The Conversation Going…

Do you have an idea for a cookbook concept? 

Would you like to know more about writing cookbooks? 

Do you collect cookbooks and want to be interviewed on the show? 

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