Hello, and welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today, I have an interview with Gerry Romano and Katelin Maidment. Gerry and Katelin are self-published cookbook authors, and graduates of the spring 2024 session of Cookbooks on KDP. Gerry is a retired magazine editor and the author of More Means Merrier: The Romano-Altman Family Cookbook and Katelin is a Registered Dietitian and author of Recipes for Longevity: Over 70 Recipes and a 4-Week Longevity Meal Plan Designed to Slow Cognitive Decline. During our conversation Gerry, Katelin, and I talked all about their decision to publish a cookbook, what they learned about formatting and publishing their own books inside Cookbooks on KDP, and how they feel now that they have accomplished their goal of publishing a book on Amazon.

If you have recipes, photos, and stories you want to publish in a book for your family, friends, customers, or clients, the door for our fall cohort of Cookbooks on KDP are open. Cookbooks on KDP is a LIVE 12-week group program where I teach you step-by-step exactly how to publish your book – everything from formatting the interior, designing the cover, to setting up your Amazon account for your book. The doors are open now, and they close on Sunday, September 8th at 12:00 MIDNIGHT EDT.  Classes start next week.

 Listen to Episode 313 below:

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Things We Mention In This Episode:

Enroll in fall cohort Cookbooks on KDP

More Means Merrier by Gerry Romano

Recipes for Longevity by Katelin Maidment

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