It’s safe to say that because I spend a lot of time in my kitchen, I also spend a lot of time with my hands immersed in hot, sudsy water. For many years I lived with the consequences – dry knuckles, split and chipped nails, and the constant chore of drying my hands after each dip in dish pan.
Several years ago one of my personal chef clients introduced me to these blue gloves. It was these very gloves that helped me say goodbye to dishpan hands. This sweet lady had hired me to cook for her several times before and after she had hip surgery. During one of these cooking sessions she insisted that I try on her gloves as she watched me scrubbing my stainless steel baking pan with my little green scrub pad.
I never could wear gloves when I washed dishes until I wore her True Blue gloves. Other gloves didn’t fit right and quite frankly they made my hands sweat. I didn’t feel like I could grip anything I was washing, and the gloves were always made from thin, smelly latex. But not these blue gloves. I love, I mean LOVE my pair of blue gloves. They are thick, machine-washable, cotton-lined, and so easy to put on and wear. They allow me to wash my dishes in really, really hot water, and the fingers are textured so it’s easy to grip the items I’m washing.
So, if you’re still being asked “What do you want for Christmas?” put a pair of these True Blue Gloves on your list. They come in different sizes, and some colors other than blue, so plan accordingly. And did I say I love these gloves. My hands thank me. My dishes thank me. My pots and pans thank me. My French manicures even thank me. Oh la la.
(Disclaimer: I am not paid to offer this promotion.)