At the beginning of July we took a trip to the beach. We live in a land-locked part of Kentucky so we drove 11 1/2 hours to dip our toes in salt water. When we travel by car such a distance we pull out of the driveway at “o-dark-thirty” with the hope of arriving at our destination before supper time. This trip, to a barrier island off the coast of South Carolina, was a new vacation spot for us. The island was beautiful and our side trips to Charleston, SC fun. We even ate at HUSK with Chef Sean Brock at the helm and Stephen Colbert sat at the table right next to ours. Other good news was that my ATT iPhone didn’t have good service much of the time. (You’ve seen the maps.) Most of the time instead of bars I saw the words “no service”. So what’s a girl to do other than enjoy the time disconnected?I’ll tell you what I did: I spent time watching the sunrise, took morning bike rides with the best male cook I know, read the daily newspaper, worked the daily crossword puzzle and Sudoku, sat under a large red umbrella on the beach, splashed in the ocean with my kids, and floated on a raft in the pool. These activities are what this vacation was made of. It’s an understatement to say I enjoyed my time away from the normal routine of home, office, computer, and smart phones.

We’re home now and the iPhone has full bars and service, but I’m trying to look differently at how I spend my time. I’m limiting my time at the computer, limiting my time poking around on my iPhone and my Kindle, and limiting the time I sit down to write. And guess what? I feel more productive than I felt before I left for vacation. I think for me by limiting my time, I make more time, if that makes sense. Seems counter-intuitive, but with more focus and limited time the work seems to get done quicker. Or maybe it was just the time off work?

With this vacation in mind I think I’ll add a one-speed bicycle to my Christmas list. Then I can mosey around the neighborhood Pee-Wee-Herman-style recreating one of the simple enjoyments of my vacation. I’ll enjoy filling the time I’m creating by not spending unlimited periods of time thinking I’m being productive with my electronic devices in hand and my computer screen in view.

Hope you’re having a great summer and that you are taking some time to enjoy your favorite people, places, and simple enjoyments!