If you have the dream of writing a cookbook but wonder where to start, how to find a publisher, whether there’s money to be made, or if you need an agent, then you need to keep reading. As a cookbook editor and cookbook author I have experienced cookbook writing from both sides of the fence. Because of these experiences it’s not unusual for aspiring cookbook authors ask me questions about writing cookbooks. It’s funny, but in answering their questions I soon realized how much I enjoy helping others with their cookbook writing questions. For example, a food blogger who worked with me felt unclear and confused about her cookbook concept. After we reviewed together my Essential Ingredients For Writing A CookbookTM the “light bulb went on.” Her cookbook concept became crystal clear. She was thrilled and confident about moving forward with her cookbook project.
We all know there are several ways to get a cookbook published. But, the problem is that there aren’t many places that an aspiring cookbook author can turn to get their cookbook writing and publishing questions answered. In fact it seems that during the pre-publication stage of writing cookbooks there’s just not much support out there leaving aspiring cookbook authors feeling frustrated, isolated, and confused.
For these reasons, and for a limited time in early 2012, I am offering a new cookbook coaching program. This program contains a combination of group and private coaching calls, and if you so desire, assistance with writing a solid cookbook proposal.
Everyone who signs up for one of the cookbook coaching programs will receive support and lots of checklists and assessments about whipping their cookbook into shape. More importantly, aspiring cookbook authors who participate will feel supported as they are given the direction and confidence they need to move forward with their dream cookbook project.
In the end, participation in this cookbook coaching program will save you time. In this day and age where everything moves so quickly this is key because it’s possible that someone else is out there working on a cookbook with the same concept you want to write about. Now is the time to stop trying to answer all the cookbook writing questions on your own. Now is the time to get some direction and focus in your cookbook writing project.
So, here’s the rub:
I’m currently hard at work on my own writing and consulting business, and because of the nature of the program, and the personal interaction we will have, space is limited. To get a spot you’ll need to act quickly because I don’t know how many times next year I will offer this particular cookbook coaching program. To learn more all you have to do is send me an email at info (at) greenapron (dot) com let me know if you are interested. I will then send you all the details. I sincerely hope you will join me. It’s going to provide the direction you need and boost your confidence so you move forward with your cookbook project.
PS: I have a feeling this program will fill up quickly. I’ve never offered a program quite like this before and am not sure how many times it will be offered next year. And I’m giving away all my checklists and assessments to whip your cookbook into shape. You might want to hit reply now, before I change my mind. Smile!