It’s this time of the year that my work feels different. The pull of sunshine, warm air, and family activities that during the summer can kept me away from my desk, writing, and work have diminished or returned to school. During this time of the year, I return to familiar routines to write this newsletter and blog posts, develop recipes, and schedule cookbook marketing activities. When I read about how other writers and business owners manage their routines, I feel inspired with a peek into their routines. Several years ago, Darren Rowse at wrote the article 14 Bloggers Share Their Daily Blogging Routine.

To stay on top of my work and writing it’s important to remember the tips they offer that help me keep my routine intact. My goal is to work on creating content every day for my newsletter, blog posts, programs, and cookbook projects.

· Write during my brain’s best time. This is different for everyone, but many prefer morning.
· Turn off email and social media while working.
· Work in 2 to 3 hour blocks of time.
· Devote each day to a different activity related to business or writing.
· Schedule blog posts in advance.
· Create and work from an editorial calendar or plan.
· Compartmentalize activities so they don’t bleed into family time.

daily ritualsAlong these same lines, this books is a favorite of mine. Author Mason Currey reviews the daily rituals of 161 creatives while looking at their rituals (and their obstacles) to doing the work they love to do. Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey

I also want to share Extraordinary Routines and their Instagram feed and their blog. I love the interviews here as well at tips for creating a routine for your creative work.




Author, editor, and Culinary Dietitian Maggie Green coaches aspiring cookbook authors during the pre-publication phase of writing a cookbook. If you want to write a cookbook, and wonder if you’re ready, download her 11-point checklist Am I Ready to Write a Cookbook?